3 Back-to-School STEAM Activities for Little Learners
Caylie Gaccione
Curriculum Specialist
Classroom Tools on August 08 2024
Back-to-school season is a time of new procedures, learning opportunities, friendships, and so much more. For all students, we want to provide engaging activities that get them excited for the school year ahead. Specifically, for little learners, creating hands-on and interactive STEAM activities will help to promote a positive learning environment that empowers student voice and creativity.
Of course, we want to include “get-to-know-you” icebreakers, classroom routines, and literacy-based activities to start the school year strong, but how can we do this in a unique way? The answer is providing students with STEAM experiences to take learning to the next level. Let’s explore some specific STEAM activities that you can try with even your littlest learners this school year.
1) Get creative with clay
As an elementary school teacher, I always loved starting off the first day of school with something lighthearted and engaging, while also providing teachers with opportunities to learn a bit more about their students. By giving students something like clay, which they have used before, they’ll feel comfortable entering a new environment and showing off their art skills! Here are some steps to get you started:
- Provide students with a block of clay. You can choose to also provide them with specific instructions of what to create or let them make anything they want!
- If you provide them with instructions, consider putting it on a laminated worksheet or mat that they can build their creations on. Some ideas of what students can make are:
- Their name (or nickname)
- Favorite animal
- Something that represents who they are
- Activity they like to do
- An invention
- Give students ample time to create. Remember that they don’t need to create multiple items, it can just be one or two.
- Have students share with their classmates. This would be a good opportunity for them to share 1:1, as a table, or even just with the teacher.
- Use this as a launching point for further discussion to learn more about your students.

2) Go on a STEAM scavenger hunt
A scavenger hunt is always a great way to start the school year. It allows for students to learn more about their classroom environment, while also building relationships with one another. Adding in a STEAM focus adds a unique component that enables students to start building and creating at the start of the school day. Students will gather consumable materials or classroom items and can then use them to create something. Let’s explore some tips for a hands-on learning experience:
- Set-up a simple scavenger hunt checklist filled with specific classroom items. Remember that these items can be used later on for students to create something out of.
- Students can work in partners or small groups to complete this task. This is the perfect chance for students to get to know each other.
- Have students get up and move around the classroom to search for these items. Remember, even your littlest learners can complete this task with the help of visual aids!
- Once they have found all of the different items, have them use what they found to make a creation that they will then share with the rest of the class.

3) Use literature as a launching point.
Readalouds are always a strong option for getting students engaged. Picture books spark inspiration, promote conversation, and teach various skills along the way. There are so many books out there that can be used to inspire STEAM-based activities. You can find a list of recommended books from Teach Outside the Box to use with your students. Here is an example of a STEAM activity that can be used with the book, The Dot, by Peter H. Reynolds:
- Read the book aloud as a class. Right from the start, this will get students brainstorming and buzzing with ideas for their own dot creations.
- Provide students with a designated space for creating their own “dots.”
- Provide ample time for students to build their dot creations. You can also encourage them to add in different materials such as popsicle sticks, pom-poms, felt, etc.
- As always, be sure to have students share their creations with one another.
- Remember that International Dot Day is September 15th, which is perfect for an activity early in the school year!

For your young learners, STEAM activities are a wonderful addition to your back-to-school curriculum. These activities teach collaboration, perseverance, and creativity. Try out these activities with your students to start the school year and watch as their imagination soars! Be sure to check out many other courses in the OTIS Course Library for more inspiration!
For more tips, tricks, and tools for teaching in and out of the classroom, check out more content on the Teq Talk blog or our YouTube channels OTIS for educators and Tequipment.
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