Schedule a Demo

Our PD Specialists will visit your school and provide hands-on training. You’ll learn all about your new edtech products — how they work, and how they can impact student success.

Purchase PD days and work with us in a mentoring/coaching capacity, or receive a bundle of days with your technology purchase. Whatever your needs, we’re here to help with implementation, integration, and instructional support. Prior to starting, we meet with you and your staff to identify your PD goals and expectations for our team. After we deliver your sessions, we complete a post-delivery assessment in order to ensure our instructors meet and exceed the established goals. Here are some of our onsite PD options:


Full-day training/workshops for up to 15 participants on the topic of your choosing.


Work one-on-one with a PD Specialist.


Focused, small group training around your specific goals.

Product demos

Hands-on demonstrations of STEM solutions and other classroom technologies.

Lesson plan development

Assistance with integrating technology into lesson plans, lesson content, and unit plans.


Lesson delivery/facilitation with a Teq PD Specialist.

PD Planning

Collaboration on a comprehensive PD plan to support your technology initiatives.

Meet Our PD Team

We provide you with access to a dedicated team of State Certified Educators with skills and expertise in every subject and content area – English, Math, Science, Social Studies, STEM, ENL and Special Education. Teq’s PD Specialists and Curriculum Specialists who facilitate both our Onsite PD and Online PD sessions are all SMART Certified Trainers, Google Certified Educators, and possess various certifications including, but not limited to: Microsoft Office 365; Adobe Acrobat; STEM, Robotics and Coding; and Apple.

Robert Abraham
Instructional Strategist

SMART/Lumio, special education, Google, Microsoft, 3D printing, robotics, project-based learning, Hebrew

Robert has over 15 years of experience working in NY public and non-public schools. He is passionate about education, especially in the special needs community. He enjoys delivering new and creative PD that relates to current issues, in turn providing stimulating content for teachers to take back to their classrooms.

Stephanie Barragan
PD Specialist


Stephanie has 10 years of experience as a middle school mathematics teacher, as well as expertise in curriculum development and assessment design. She is dedicated to advancing educational outcomes through innovative strategies.

Rebekah Corace
Curriculum & PD Specialist

ELA, special education, educational leadership, restorative practices, culturally responsive teaching, Google

Rebekah was an educator for 16 years, 13 of which were spent in the NYC DOE as an English and special education teacher for grades 6-12. She is excited to take what she has accomplished in her educational career and use it to create and implement quality professional development for educators.

Greg DaSilva
PD Specialist

Bilingual education, Spanish, ENL/EFL, SMART/Lumio, 3D printing

Greg taught English as a foreign language at the University of La Frontera in Chile for five years. In this role, he was instrumental in implementing a technology-centric curriculum for teaching English. While living abroad, he also learned to speak Spanish fluently.

Adam Fragale
Curriculum & PD Specialist

ELA, 3D printing, MAD-learn, digital citizenship, social studies, UBTECH, Lumio, project-based learning

Adam taught sixth grade social studies and ELA in Floral Park, New York. During his time in the classroom, Adam was part of a literacy committee, with the aim of designing curriculum for K-8 classes and crafting PD courses for teachers looking to incorporate the latest STEAM technology into their classrooms.

Allison Hardy
Professional Development & Field Product Specialist

Mentorship & teacher coaching, project-based learning, STEM/STEAM, Schoology, engineering design, science fairs & school-wide events

Allison taught as a secondary educator and served as a department chair for Metro Nashville Public Schools. During this time, she led high-quality professional development and engaging, data-focused conversations. She is passionate about exploring teaching and learning through the lenses of inquiry and equity.

Michelle Hollander
Content & Curriculum

Marine & environmental science, STEM/STEAM, Google, Lumio, Wakelet, project-based learning

Prior to Teq, Michelle was the STEM & Logistics Director at the WaterFront Center in Oyster Bay, New York. Through scientific research and communication, Michelle is adept in utilizing innovative technologies and making information accessible to a variety of audiences.

Peter Katcher
Curriculum & PD Specialist

Leadership/coaching, data and assessment, equity and inclusion, school culture, fine arts, music, SMART/Lumio, 3D printing, project-based learning

Peter comes to Teq with a wealth of experience in charter schools around NY as a teacher and administrator. Throughout his career, Peter has worked to improve schools and school culture through educator growth and development, coaching, and focusing on equitable outcomes for all.

Christopher Lozzi
Curriculum & PD Specialist

Earth science, instructional technology

Chris comes to Teq with over 10 years of experience teaching Earth science in the NYC DOE. While teaching, he created and oversaw electives in robotics and astronomy. Chris often facilitated professional development for his school to share his enthusiasm for educational technology tools.

Nicole Mathew
Senior Curriculum Specialist

Apple, Google, Schoology, Kami, Pear Deck, Lumio, STEM, science, engineering design, Rube Goldberg, project-based learning

Nicole taught middle school general science for four years in the NYC DOE and was a lead teacher for NYC Urban Advantage’s professional development program. She has a passion for using innovative technology to support students’ STEM learning.

Matthew Thaxter
Director of eLearning

Special education, CTE, SMART/Lumio, Microsoft, Google, 3D printing, robotics, STEM/STEAM, finance, social studies

For 12 years, Matt taught middle and high school social studies, along with elementary school and special education. After working as a Professional Development Specialist and PD Account Manager, Matt is currently the Director of eLearning. He also serves as an education consultant/contributor for publications and contest administration for a multinational educational publication firm.

Customer Success Story

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Teq Squad
Prefer to see it in action?

Let a Teq representative demonstrate how to get the most out of your STEM solutions.

We provide you with access to a dedicated team of State Certified Educators with skills and expertise in every subject and content area – English, Math, Science, Social Studies, STEM, ENL and Special Education. Teq’s PD Specialists and Curriculum Specialists who facilitate both our Onsite PD and Online PD sessions are all SMART Certified Trainers, Google Certified Educators, and possess various certifications including, but not limited to: Microsoft Office 365; Adobe Acrobat; STEM, Robotics and Coding; and Apple.

Adam Fragale
Curriculum & PD Specialist

Adolescent Education

ELA, 3D printing, culturally responsive teaching, social studies, UBTECH

Prior to joining Teq, Adam taught sixth grade social studies and ELA in Floral Park, New York. Adam has a master's degree in adolescent education from LIU Post and a bachelor’s degree in communications from SUNY Cortland. During his time in the classroom, Adam was part of the Literacy Committee, designing curriculum for K-8 classes and crafting professional development courses for teachers looking to incorporate the latest STEAM technology into their classrooms.

Caylie Gaccione
Curriculum Specialist

Early Childhood Education B-2; Childhood Education 1-6; Special Education 1-6; Annotation in Severe and Multiple Disabilities

elementary education/special education, dance/arts, ELA, STEAM

Caylie is an educator with five years of in-classroom experience in grades K-6 as a special education teacher in the NYCDOE. She has a bachelor’s in elementary education from Pace University and a master’s in special education from St. Joseph's College. Caylie has a passion for using technology to facilitate collaborative learning experiences. Caylie would describe herself as a lifelong learner and is excited to continue to learn about new technology initiatives and teach others.

Greg DaSilva
PD Consultant


bilingual education, Spanish, ENL/EFL

Greg taught English as a foreign language at the University of La Frontera in Chile for five years. In this role, he was instrumental in implementing a technology-centric curriculum for teaching English. While living abroad, he also learned to speak Spanish fluently. As a Professional Development Specialist, he trains teachers on the best practices for utilizing cutting-edge educational technology in the classroom. Greg holds a BA in Economics and International Business from Gordon College.

Kelly Mancuso
Curriculum & PD Specialist

Educational Technology Specialist K-12, Childhood Education 1-6

ENL/TESOL, project-based learning, Nearpod, Edpuzzle, Microsoft

Kelly taught for three years as a substitute teacher for grades 1-5 and worked as an ENL and reading teacher. She has her bachelor’s in childhood education (1-6) and has dual master’s degrees in TESOL and instructional design & educational technology. She enjoys educating other teachers on how to integrate technology into their curriculum. As a self-proclaimed life-long learner, she believes that education is an ever-evolving process where technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience.

Matthew Thaxter
Director of Learning

Elementary N-6; Social Studies, Grades 7-12

STEM/STEAM, finance, social studies

For approximately 12 years, Matt taught middle and high school social studies, elementary school, and special education. He has his BA in History and Education from Dowling College and an MA in Liberal Studies/Technology in the Humanities from SUNY Stony Brook University. He also has graduate credits from Dowling College in special education. Matt was previously a Professional Development Specialist and PD Account Manager for Teq. He also serves as an education consultant/contributor for publications and contest administration for a multinational educational publication firm.

Meghan Magone
Curriculum & PD Support Specialist

English 7-12

ELA, Google, Padlet, Microsoft

Meghan Magone taught for over 20 years as a middle/high school English teacher in the NYC DOE. She has her bachelor’s in comparative literature and a master’s in English. She enjoys using her expertise in edtech, equity and accessibility, and leadership to support and advocate for students and teachers alike.

Michelle Hollander
Director of Educational Content

STEM/STEAM, Google, Lumio, Wakelet

Prior to Teq, Michelle was the STEM & Logistics Director at the WaterFront Center in Oyster Bay, Long Island. Michelle has both her B.S. and M.S. in Marine Science, and her research on an invasive species was published in the journal, Aquatic Botany. Researching and communicating science has kept Michelle ready to utilize new technologies and make information accessible to a variety of audiences. She is always excited to learn something new and share her findings with others.

Nicole Mathew
Curriculum Specialist

7-12 Biology

Apple, Google, Schoology, Kami, Pear Deck, Lumio, STEM, science, engineering design, Rube Goldberg, project-based learning

Nikki taught middle school general science for four years in the NYCDOE. While there, she was actively involved with NYC Urban Advantage's professional development program both as a participant and as a Lead Teacher. She originally got her start in education by working as an Environmental Educator in the non-profit setting. She earned her BA in Environmental Studies from King's College and graduated with her MsEd in Adolescent Education from St. John's University in 2017. Through her experience as a middle school science teacher, Nikki developed a passion for using innovative technology in her classroom to support her student's STEM learning.

Peter Katcher
Curriculum & PD Specialist

Music K-12, Educational Leadership

Leadership/coaching, equity and inclusion, school culture, fine arts, music

Peter comes to Teq with a wealth of experience in charter schools around NY. He has served as an AP, head of school, instructional coach, principal, and director of fine and applied arts. He holds a bachelor’s in music education and a master’s in education from CUNY Queens College as well as a certificate in educational leadership from the College of St. Rose. Throughout his career, Peter has worked to improve schools and school culture through educator growth and development, coaching, and a focus on equitable outcomes for all. He is excited to use his expertise to help educators integrate technology in ways that lead to improved outcomes.

Rebekah Corace
Curriculum & PD Specialist

B-2 and 1-6 Child Study; B-2, 1-6 Literacy; Special Education; School Building and District Leadership

ELA, special education, educational leadership, restorative practices, culturally responsive teaching, Google

Rebekah was an educator for 16 years; 13 of which were in the NYCODE as an English and special education teacher in grades 6-12. She has a bachelor's in child study and psychology and a master’s in literacy education and educational leadership. She is excited to take all she has accomplished in her educational career and use it to help create and implement quality professional development for other educators.

Robert Abraham
Instructional Strategist

Elementary K-5

SMART/Lumio, special ed, Google, Microsoft, 3D printing, robotics, project-based learning, Hebrew schools

Rob has over 15 years of experience focused in NY public and non-public schools. He is passionate about education, especially in the special needs community. He holds a bachelor's in education and psychology from Hofstra University and has completed his Computer Certification with Cope Institute of Technology. In addition, he prepares and delivers effective interactive workshops that reflect new and creative ideas relating to current issues and trends to provide stimulating ideas for teachers to take back to their classrooms.

Terry VanNoy
PD Specialist

Secondary Education 7-12 English and Math

SMART/Lumio, Microsoft, coding, pi-top, computer science, math, robotics, 3D printing

Terry VanNoy taught for many years in Washington middle schools and high schools as a math and English teacher. Always an early adopter of classroom technology, he learned to incorporate computer stations and student-owned laptops in his math classes, using integrated curriculum projects with a teaching team. In 2010, he developed a YouTube channel (“Math Class with Terry V”) that he still uses and maintains today, part-time. After a year as a math content expert and consultant with Teaching Matters in NYC, he came to Teq. He considers the work he does at Teq to be a bridge between technology training and instructional coaching.